B2B storytelling with international brands

In collaboration with global media houses, we cultivate essential stories of visionary leaders and their businesses. Utilising dual platforms, we then bring these stories to an international audience.  Each campaign speaks to the future: how businesses, and the people behind them, are shaping a better tomorrow.

Business leaders find themselves at a crossroads in history, managing short-term pressures against medium and long-term uncertainties. Acumen Media explores the people spearheading positive change in the landscape of global business. The campaign brings deep insight to cutting-edge businesses, coming straight from the leaders forging the future. Spotlighting executives, board members, and entrepreneurs, each documentary examines their respective visions for the future of business.

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In 1945, the United Nations established a set of principles to promote prosperity and peace across the globe. These values have since fostered the UN’s 17 Sustainable Goals. Acumen Media puts these values into focus, also honouring the UN’s 100th year anniversary. The films within this campaign investigate conscious business practices and business leaders who embrace key principles of sustainability and prosperity. Each documentary provides powerful insights to how businesses lay the groundwork for lasting change.

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At the heart of this campaign are those who have recognised the value of thought leadership in addressing relevant issues of the twenty-first century. By exploring the leaders that are forging the future of business, the campaign illuminates groundbreaking decisions across a range of major global sectors, from Health to Energy to Technology. The businesses examined are reframing traditional industries, using innovation, pioneering values, and humanitarian approaches.

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Connect People.

Amplify Voices.

Inspire Action.